Sunday 25 August 2024

Wednesday 21st August 2024

 We had 26 players tonight including newcomer Othmane Mekency.

Deputy Sheriff Dilhun ran the tournament tonight while Ladder Leader  Gary was being deprived of 286 points by Giantslayer Sean.

Rafael was the drawn jackpot but was denied by Angelo in round 2.

We congratulated John Symon on winning the Newcastle Open last weekend.

Yalli Pleshet313
Angelo Voulgaris313
Gary Stavrou311
John Symon208
David Reitzin206
Mahnaz Rostami206
Nick Macoun206
Peter Voulgaris205
Dilhun Akpinar204
Morteza Shaabanifar203
Andrew Mowbray203
Jim Bean201
Amir Tehrani197
Kee Yio Wan103
Rafael Chattah100
Carol Wakelin100
Mackenzie Little97
Ben Anderson97
Jenny Saunders96
Paula O'Connell95
Aram Amirghan93
Adam Makda90
Sean Ghodsi89
Michael Raptis-8
Othmane Mekency-13
Mohammad Nejati-15

Sean and Gary playing the Giantslayer match. Gary soon lost his grin.

"You don't need permission to go to the bathroom" Dilhun is saying to newcomer Othmane Mekency

Yalli, the night's winner, and Dilhun

Nick and Mackenzie

Peter and Jenny

Morteza and Newcastle Open Champion John

"If you don't like it you can leave" Angelo appears to be saying to Raf

Gary and Nick

David and Mahnaz

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