Monday 19 August 2024

Wednesday 14th August 2024

26 players tonight.

Sean was the drawn jackpot but was denied in the second round by Jenny.

Koosha relinquished his Giantslayer position and was replaced by Sean who will attempt to "slay" Ladder Leader Gary.

Jim Bean315
Yalli Pleshet311
Breck McCormack308
Robbie Baudish210
Kee Yio Wan207
Adam Makda205
Carol Wakelin205
Jeremy Whitelaw204
Mackenzie Little202
Peter Voulgaris202
Sean Ghodsi201
Ben Anderson201
Jenny Saunders197
Dilhun Akpinar103
Angelo Voulgaris100
Gary Stavrou98
John Symon97
Nick Macoun97
Mohammad Nejati97
Andrew Mowbray95
David Reitzin95
Koosha Hedjripour94
Michael Raptis91
Rafael Chattah-11
Morteza Shaabanifar-11
Kat Farrokhzadi-13

The room

David and Yalli draw a crowd

Peter and Jeremy are thoroughly amused

Nick and Gary taking their match seriously

Newbie Morteza at a precarious score

Mackenzie and Carol 

John and Angelo

Sean and Dilhun

Jim is not happy with two checkers on the bar against a towering Robbie

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