Thursday 25 July 2024

Wednesday July 24th 2024

 22 players tonight including new addition, Kat Farrokhzadi.

Nick Macoun was the drawn jackpot but his hopes were dashed in the first round by Gary.

Gary outlined the club's new rule regarding latecomers to any round who will now be penalised one point for each 5 minutes of lateness.

The Giantslayer match was played between Ladder Leader Sean and challenger Adam. Adam won 9-7 and so relieved Sean of 234 points.

John Symon310
Aram Amirghan309
Gary Stavrou309
Breck McCormack212
Rafael Chattah206
Andrew Mowbray205
Sean Ghodsi205
Mahnaz Rostami201
Kee Yio Wan200
Jim Bean199
Angelo Voulgaris199
Yalli Pleshet98
Amir Tehrani98
David Reitzin98
Kat Farrokhzadi98
Peter Voulgaris97
Koosha Hedjripour96
Carol Wakelin95
Michael Raptis95
Antonio Andolfo-6
Adam Makda-10
Nick Macoun-14

Gary is explaining the new club rules regarding lateness

Sean is engrossed

Newcomer Kat Farrokhzadi playing Carol

John Symon is the night's winner

Aram shared second prize with Gary

Money always puts a smile on Gary's face

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