Monday 15 July 2024

2024 Sydney Open

The 2024 Sydney Open Backgammon Tournament was held on Sunday July 14th at the North Ryde RSL and attracted a field of 39 players.

The format was double elimination Swiss consisting of four 9-      point matches. The top two scorers then played off for 1st and 2nd spots.


Winner was David Reitzin

Runner-up was Ken Vaughan

Adam Makda and Ben Phillips tied for 3rd place

The registration team: John Symon, Greg Ash and Rafael Chattah

Tournament Director Gary Stavrou (aka Sheriff) recording the entries

The briefing

Hot Lips Hammon

Robby Solomon and Malcolm Stradwick

Andrew Mowbray can play backgammon in his sleep

Runner-up Ken Vaughan

Antonio Andolfo

Dilhun Akpinar and John Symon

Yalli Pleshet

Greg Ash acting nonchalant

Robbie Baudish and Robby Solomon

Steve Clarry and Breck McCormack

Adam Makda and Ben Phillips tied for 3rd place

They're in the money

The final between Ken Vaughan and winner David Reitzin

Runner-up Ken Vaughan receiving his prize

Winner David Reitzin receiving his prize

Our happy top two

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