Thursday 25 July 2024

Wednesday July 24th 2024

 22 players tonight including new addition, Kat Farrokhzadi.

Nick Macoun was the drawn jackpot but his hopes were dashed in the first round by Gary.

Gary outlined the club's new rule regarding latecomers to any round who will now be penalised one point for each 5 minutes of lateness.

The Giantslayer match was played between Ladder Leader Sean and challenger Adam. Adam won 9-7 and so relieved Sean of 234 points.

John Symon310
Aram Amirghan309
Gary Stavrou309
Breck McCormack212
Rafael Chattah206
Andrew Mowbray205
Sean Ghodsi205
Mahnaz Rostami201
Kee Yio Wan200
Jim Bean199
Angelo Voulgaris199
Yalli Pleshet98
Amir Tehrani98
David Reitzin98
Kat Farrokhzadi98
Peter Voulgaris97
Koosha Hedjripour96
Carol Wakelin95
Michael Raptis95
Antonio Andolfo-6
Adam Makda-10
Nick Macoun-14

Gary is explaining the new club rules regarding lateness

Sean is engrossed

Newcomer Kat Farrokhzadi playing Carol

John Symon is the night's winner

Aram shared second prize with Gary

Money always puts a smile on Gary's face

Thursday 18 July 2024

Wednesday July 17th 2024

 Just 18 players tonight due to a combination of last Sunday's Sydney Open and tonights State of Origin match.

Kee Yio was the drawn Jackpot and after two strong wins was brought to heel by Sean.

Sean Ghodsi313
David Reitzin311
Yalli Pleshet311
Zhiman Rahmati208
Matt Bridges207
Kee Yio Wan205
Jim Bean204
Andrew Mowbray200
Aram Amirghan194
Antonio Andolfo101
Angelo Voulgaris99
Carol Wakelin97
Gary Stavrou97
Mahnaz Rostami97
Michael Raptis-10
Kathy Bridges-10
Peter Voulgaris89
Rafael Chattah-16

Monday 15 July 2024

2024 Sydney Open

The 2024 Sydney Open Backgammon Tournament was held on Sunday July 14th at the North Ryde RSL and attracted a field of 39 players.

The format was double elimination Swiss consisting of four 9-      point matches. The top two scorers then played off for 1st and 2nd spots.


Winner was David Reitzin

Runner-up was Ken Vaughan

Adam Makda and Ben Phillips tied for 3rd place

The registration team: John Symon, Greg Ash and Rafael Chattah

Tournament Director Gary Stavrou (aka Sheriff) recording the entries

The briefing

Hot Lips Hammon

Robby Solomon and Malcolm Stradwick

Andrew Mowbray can play backgammon in his sleep

Runner-up Ken Vaughan

Antonio Andolfo

Dilhun Akpinar and John Symon

Yalli Pleshet

Greg Ash acting nonchalant

Robbie Baudish and Robby Solomon

Steve Clarry and Breck McCormack

Adam Makda and Ben Phillips tied for 3rd place

They're in the money

The final between Ken Vaughan and winner David Reitzin

Runner-up Ken Vaughan receiving his prize

Winner David Reitzin receiving his prize

Our happy top two

Thursday 11 July 2024

Wednesday July 10th 2024

 27 players tonight.

Andrew Mowbray was the drawn jackpot but was stopped in his tracks in the second round by Matt Bridges.

Gary Stavrou315
Matt Bridges311
Kee Yio Wan308
Steve Clarry210
Koosha Hedjripour208
David Reitzin208
Jim Bean204
Peter Voulgaris204
Yalli Pleshet204
Robbie Baudish203
Andrew Mowbray202
Adam Makda200
Kathy Bridges199
Aram Amirghan198
Rafael Chattah100
Mohammad Nejati99
Mackenzie Little98
Jeremy Whitelaw96
Angelo Voulgaris96
Mahnaz Rostami95
Jenny Saunders94
Andre Marootians93
Antonio Andolfo92
John Symon92
Michael Raptis90
Sean Ghodsi-8
Nick Macoun-14

John Symon rolling on his personalised board

Sean and Kee Yio

Robbie Baudish

Angelo and David

Yalli and Jim

Jeremy unhappy with the score

Rafael waiting for inspiration

Mother and son, Kathy and Matt Bridges

Saturday 6 July 2024

Wednesday 3rd July 2024

 29 players turned up tonight including newcomer Saeed Aligholi.

Deputy Sheriff Dilhun was declared Player of the Month for June and had tonight's entry fee waived.

Adam was the drawn Giantslayer and he agreed to challenge Ladder Leader Sean.

Kee Yio was the drawn jackpot but fell short.

Dennis said farewell as he heads off to the warmer climes of Queensland for six months.

David Reitzin314
Dilhun Akpinar312
Carol Wakelin309
Antonio Andolfo306
Kee Yio Wan208
Robbie Baudish207
John Symon207
Peter Voulgaris206
Sean Ghodsi206
Gary Stavrou205
Aram Amirghan204
Yalli Pleshet202
Angelo Voulgaris200
Peter Boylan199
Mackenzie Little199
Jenny Saunders101
Dennis Mercovich100
Mahnaz Rostami100
Mohammad Nejati98
Jim Bean96
Andrew Mowbray96
Monica Ribeiro94
Rafael Chattah94
Andre Marootians93
Adam Makda91
Amir Tehrani88
Michael Raptis-6
Nick Macoun-14
Saeed Aligholi-15

Checkin results on the monitor

Angelo has happily accepted the cube

Amir is pleased with his roll

Nick and Gary posing uncomfortably for the camera

Meditative Mahnaz

Curious Peter

An unhappy Kee Yio watching the jackpot slip away

Rafael drinking a virtual toast to the game's outcome

Michael Raptis

Newcomer Saeed Aligholi

Andre Marootians returns after a long absence

What has amazed Carol?

Mackenzie about to slap the photographer 

Ladder Leader Sean

Deputy Sheriff Dilhun takes "capturing the opponent" literally

Relative newbie Monica Ribeiro