Thursday 27 June 2024

Wednesday 26th June 2024

25 players tonight in spite of competition from State of Origin.

Sean paid a tribute to Vazgen Panosian who tragically and unexpectedly died last week.

Peter Voulgaris was the drawn Jackpot and although he won all his matches was thwarted by Jenny Saunders with a higher score.

Jenny Saunders315
Peter Voulgaris309
Robbie Baudish307
Dilhun Akpinar208
Dennis Mercovich207
Mohammad Nejati207
Mackenzie Little206
Yalli Pleshet206
Gary Stavrou206
Nick Macoun200
David Reitzin198
Koosha Hedjripour197
Sean Ghodsi103
Rafael Chattah99
Andrew Mowbray99
Angelo Voulgaris99
Aram Amirghan99
Mahnaz Rostami98
Antonio Andolfo96
Jim Bean95
Kee Yio Wan92
Amir Tehrani90
Carol Wakelin89
John Symon-10
Adam Makda-15

Peter Voulgaris approves the condition of the floor

An excited Nick and a resigned Yalli

Koosha and Aram; the youngest meets the oldest

John Symon with his Mona Lisa smile

Mohammad and Sean

A contented Mahnaz and a dejected Jim, reflecting the score

Gary (unsuccessfully) trying to will bad dice from Robbie

Sean and deputy sheriff Dilhun

Andrew and Mahnaz

Our happy girls, Jenny and Mackenzie

Robbie and Dennis who is about to head to Queensland for the winter

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