Monday 24 June 2024

Wednesday 19th June 2024

28 players tonight, including newcomer Tony Alesci.

Angelo Voulgaris drew the jackpot but failed to convert.

Robbie Baudish312
Dilhun Akpinar310
Gary Stavrou310
Aram Amirghan210
Mahnaz Rostami209
Mackenzie Little207
Adam Makda207
Kee Yio Wan204
John Symon204
Andrew Mowbray203
Sean Ghodsi203
David Reitzin202
Angelo Voulgaris202
Vazgen Panosian200
Rafael Chattah102
Dennis Mercovich99
Amir Tehrani99
Yalli Pleshet98
Tony Alesci98
Antonio Andolfo96
Carol Wakelin96
Nick Macoun93
Jenny Saunders93
Michael Raptis92
Peter Voulgaris91
Mozhgan Miveh-12
Mohammad Nejati-13
Ben Anderson-15

Kee bio and Ben in the foreground while John give Dilhun a headache

David and Aram

Antonio playing eventual winner Robbie

Yalli pointing to a higher authority while Gary remains unimpressed

Seeing how many checkers his opponent has taken off Andrew seems unduly happy 

Carol and Angelo

Gary and Yalli draw a crowd

A bemused John Symon

"Oops, too many beans for dinner" says Mackenzie

Newcomer Tony Alesci gives the club thumbs up

Antonio and Mozhgan

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