Tuesday, 11 March 2025


 The NSW Open Backgammon Tournament was held on Saturday and Sunday March 8-9 at the North Ryde RSL.

The Main Flight was 8 rounds of double-elimination Swiss format and attracted 26 entrants.

The winner, and 2025 NSW Champion was Terry Christodoulou

Runner-up was Ken Vaughan

Jim Bean and Gary Stavrou tied for 3rd place.

Players who were knocked out on Saturday had the option of entering the Second Flight on Sunday and nine players took the opportunity.

Breck McCormack won the Second Flight. Robby Solomon and Jenny Saunders tied for second.

Ken Vaughn is runner-up in the NSW Open
Gay Stavrou and Jim Bean tied for 3rd place
Jenny Saunders and Robby Solomon tied for 2nd place in the Second Flight
Breck McCormack wins the Second Flight
Jim Bean
Andrew Mowbray
Gary startles his opponents with the brilliance of his shirt rather than the brilliance of his playing
Jan Spillekom can never get sleeves to fit his extra long arms
Joseph El Alam
One of our finest new players, Morteza. Keep an eye on him, he's going places
Ken Vaughan
Steve Clarry
Paula O'Connell
Michel Gerges
John Symon
Terry Christodoulou
Ian Dunstan

2025 NSW Champion Terry Christodoulou congratulated by Sheriff Gary

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Tuesday March 4th 2025

 Just 27 players tonight, probably due to the proximity of the NSW Open which will be run this weekend.

Nevertheless we were visited by two new players, Matt Smith and Kevin Stubbs. In fact, Matt won the night. What an introduction to Sydney Backgammoners!

Yalli Pleshet was declared Player of the Month for February and was given free entry to tonight's tournament. He managed to come second and also scooped the side pool.

Robin Lanesman was the drawn Giantslayer to take on the current Ladder Leader, Mahnaz Rostami.

Matt Smith316
Yalli Pleshet315
Robbie Baudish311
Robin Lanesman309
Kee Yio Wan207
Jenny Saunders206
Angelo Voulgaris205
Morteza Shaabanifar205
David Reitzin205
Jim Bean204
Amir Tehrani202
Zhiman Rahmati199
Carol Wakelin198
Nick Macoun99
Mohammad Nejati98
Andrew Mowbray97
John Symon96
Alex Colombis96
Adam Makda96
Michael Raptis96
Deniz Agdiran95
Gary Stavrou92
Mike Baldwin91
Paula O'Connell91
Kevin Stubbs91
Rafael Chattah-10
Andrew Clarke-13

How did Andrew manage to get 4 of his opponents checkers on the bar with only 2 home points?

Amir and Andrew

Robin Lanesman

Where are the red checkers?


Jenny had been doing well until she faced Matt

Robbie and Kee Yio setting up

First-timer Matt Smith wins the night


"Yes, thanks" says Robbie

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Tuesday February 25th 2025

 We had 32 players tonight including newcomer Andrew Clarke.

Michel Gerges was the drawn jackpot but only made it to the second round, succumbing to Steve Clarry.

Gary Stavrou314
Angelo Voulgaris311
Yalli Pleshet309
Steve Clarry308
Carol Wakelin209
David Reitzin207
Aram Amirghan206
Jim Bean206
Mahnaz Rostami205
Michel Gerges204
Tony Giannoulis204
John Symon203
Sean Ghodsi203
Joseph El-Alam200
Morteza Shaabanifar199
Jenny Saunders198
Jeremy Whitelaw100
Paula O'Connell99
Rafael Chattah98
Adam Makda98
Robbie Baudish98
Mike Baldwin97
Zhiman Rahmati96
Aslin Sagnaklar95
Amir Tehrani95
Robin Lanesman94
Kee Yio Wan94
Nick Macoun87
Michael Raptis-5
Andrew Clarke-9
Dilhun Akpinar-11
Mohammad Nejati-12

All eyes on the posted results

Are Kee Yio and John rolling simultaneously?

Paula keeps Mohammad on the bar

Jenny towers over Steve

Dilhun and Amir in a "who will escape first" situation

Jeremy with newcomer Andrew Clarke

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Tuesday February 18th 2025

 We had 31 players tonight including newcomer George Nader who is Michel Gerges' brother-in-law.

Jeremy Whitelaw was the drawn jackpot but Zhiman squashed his hopes in the first round.

TD Gary was the wooden spooner for the night and is still licking his wounds.

Yalli Pleshet is having an operation tomorrow and we wish hi a speedy recovery.

Morteza Shaabanifar310
Mahnaz Rostami310
Aram Amirghan309
Nick Macoun300
Kee Yio Wan210
Deniz Agdiran208
Zhiman Rahmati207
Rafael Chattah207
Breck McCormack206
Paula O'Connell204
Robbie Baudish203
Sean Ghodsi203
Yalli Pleshet203
Dilhun Akpinar202
Mike Baldwin198
Angelo Voulgaris100
Adam Makda99
Jeremy Whitelaw99
David Reitzin99
Jim Bean98
Mackenzie Little97
Mohammad Nejati95
Carol Wakelin95
Amir Tehrani94
Robin Lanesman90
Matt Bridges-4
George Nader-6
Andrew Mowbray-8
Michel Gerges-8
Gary Stavrou-16

TD Gary

Michel Gerges

Jeremy, on the bar, worried about the opponent's 3-point board

"It's all in the dice" says Robbie

"i don't wear make-up, truly I dan't" says Breck

An ever-startled Mackenzie

An early cube from brown

All eyes on the Robbie/Matt match

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Tuesday 11th February 2025

 28 players graced our shores tonight.

Yalli Pleshet was the drawn jackpot but was denied in the first round by Ben Anderson.

Adam Makda312
Morteza Shaabanifar308
Michael Raptis307
Mahnaz Rostami306
Paula O'Connell208
Robbie Baudish206
Dilhun Akpinar206
David Reitzin205
Carol Wakelin204
Ben Anderson204
Yalli Pleshet204
John Symon202
Mackenzie Little202
Tony Giannoulis199
Angelo Voulgaris101
Gary Stavrou100
Sean Ghodsi99
Rafael Chattah99
Nick Macoun98
Andrew Mowbray98
Robin Lanesman97
Jenny Saunders97
Mike Baldwin95
Jim Bean91
Mohammad Nejati-6
Kee Yio Wan-8
Zhiman Rahmati-15
Amir Tehrani-19

John at full stretch

Kee Yio

Sean and Dilhun

Paula and Carol

Mike Baldwin

Ironic that Sean is one of our least reserved players

Garry and Sean



Morteza and Ben

Morteza was 2nd tonight

Michael Raptis was 3rd placed

Two of tonight's winners, Adam and Mahnaz