Thursday 16 May 2024

Wednesday May 15th 2024

 A good turnout of 28 players tonight.

We welcomed two new players to our ranks, Michael Krashias and Chris Malcolm, who had the temerity to take out a prize.

We also welcomed Greg Ash, secretary of ANZBGF, who drove from Jarvis Bay to join us. He went home licking his wounds after sustaining three losses at the hands of the mighty Sydney Backgammoners!

Rafael Chattah was (again) drawn the jackpot but this time failed to convert.

Dilhun Akpinar313
David Reitzin311
Mohammad Nejati306
Chris Malcolm306
Jim Bean206
Jenny Saunders206
Sean Ghodsi205
Adam Makda204
Gary Stavrou204
Aslin Sagnaklar202
Vazgen Panosian202
Peter Voulgaris200
Aram Amirghan103
Dennis Mercovich103
Carol Wakelin102
Koosha Hedjipour102
Mahnaz Rostami101
Angelo Voulgaris99
John Symon99
Antonio Andolfo97
Michael Raptis96
Breck McCormack96
Rafael Chattah95
Michael Krashias91
Steve Clarry89
Robbie Baudish-10
Paul Barnett-13
Greg Ash-13

The throngs gather as Gary chooses the jackpot player by a random phone app

Old friends Steve and David in a happy confrontation

A happy Antonio with his beautiful Italian leather board.

Adam always keeps his eye on the cube, amusing regular guy Greg Ash

Vazgen is itching to roll before Carol has finished her move

Newbie Michael Krashias meets Jim Bean who likes to keep his dice cup in a beer glass for good luck

Mahnaz and Michael

What did Mohammad say to Dennis to make him blush so?

Gary thwarts Raf's chance at the jackpot

"Ain't life great" is Sean's motto

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